So I think I figured out what I would like to do overall. I would like to patent the idea behind the optic I been using. Then if I can do that I can bring it into open source territory. I am unsure on how it all works but I want people to expand upon the idea and at the same time not let a bunch of people profit off it unless they really move the idea forward.
I have always loved the idea of open source hardware and bringing everything so the base can be protected so people won’t get in trouble for making and improving on the base design would fit into my own personal ideas. I may be using wrong terminology but I feel like this should be the base idea moving forward. If there is a way for myself to manufacter an inexpensive version of the optic (under $50 on the retail side) I wouldn’t mind doing that as well as long as I could have the plans and the ability to make it avalible online. It probably isn’t the best thing to do business wise but I would like to be able to expand the idea to others visions and let it be able to grow without the risk of a larger company eating the idea, which truthfully would be my biggest fear.